Warrior Nun Cosplay Giveaway Winner



Congratulations! MD5 hashed email code d21a6b1af72e4244a3a91650b2de0317 you were drawn by random lottery as the lucky winner of the Ava cosplay vest. The winner has been notified by email but if you're curious, you can put your email address into https://www.md5hashgenerator.com/ to see if your encrypted email matches the code.

Thank you again to @AethonS for this amazing cosplay template of AVA’s vest.

For the full official rules please visit: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/55d5df3ce4b02a14e7947027/t/63f42c4b1253b45175fbf98c/1676946518764/Warrior+Nun+Cosplay+Giveaway+Sweepstakes.pdf

Eva .