Warrior Nun Season 1 Overview by Nick Bythrow

Nick Bythrow


Episode 1 

Episode 1 was a ride:

- Ava is a great protagonist; compelled by the mystery being set up with her (how she died, why she might not be random, etc.)

- Solid presentation of the nuns themselves while maintaining mystery

- Great shot composition

- Mary and [Father Vincent] are interesting; want to learn more

- Bit of slow burn in the middle, but it made sense to do + I read/write similar things so it didn't distract



Episode 2 

Episode 2 really picked up:

- I like that Ava is questioning her interpretation of JC's actions and her own place in their group, adds to the believability of her not being as socially adept as everyone else

- Mary is badass, and that's epic

- While I don't know much about the other 3 Sisters, they made Lilith's dilemma understandable since the halo is her birthright

- Cardinal Duretti's interesting; no-nonsense as seen at ArqTech

- Speaking of, it's cool to see Divinium as a religious + scientific element

- I want to know more about what Divinium can do + what it's for

- Warming up to JC, he seems like a well-meaning kind of goofy dude

- The child in ArqTech; interesting, odd mystery

- Tarask was cool! Hoping for more of them later

Solid stuff so far. Quick break then Episode 3!


Episode 3 

Episode 3 was good:

- Slower episode, but felt important to get to know more about the Order

- Flashbacks were cool. Loved how the aspect ratio + lighting changed

- If I'm not mistaken, is Lilith training Ava? Is that a good idea? Hmmm...

- Ava joking around helped to reveal her genuine nerves about the situation later in the episode

- Glad Ava has a friend! Is this Beatrice? They never mentioned her name in the episode

- Cruella de Jesus's worry makes sense, glad they made her perspective understandable

- ArqTech doesn't seem evil per se, mostly ignorant of the power they're toying with

- Mary shooting that dude. Bro, what did you think was gonna happen!? Lol

- Bittersweet that Ava ran away, but made sense for character + the superhero origin story they're kind of doing

So far so good! The show has solid acting, great sets, and expressive cinematography. It's a fun series, different from anything I've ever watched. I already have an idea for an essay after I finish season 1 talking about an impressive thing the series does.


Episode 4 

Episode 4, best so far, hands down (big thread):

- Poor Ava had it rough this episode. At least JC and Diego are good friends she cares about.

- Villain complexity continues, though ArqTech and Lilith are coming through as the big antagonists

- However, I understand why the Cardinal is conspiring with Lilith. Keep the balance. For them, it's bigger than Ava's life; it's the world.

- Francis reveal: Predicted it halfway through. Doesn't make the ordeal any less tragic.

- Also she chucked that syringe dude wtf

- Cool to see Mary uncovering more of Sister Shannon's secrets. What's behind the wall? Why was she targeted? Mysterious.

- Loved the confession scene, especially the parts where you can't see Vincent's mouth behind the mesh. Intentional?

- Nun war incoming, exciting!

- Ava flashbacks were interesting, offered good context

- Highlight of the episode was the ArqTech break-in. Exciting action sequences.

- Loved Bea's suit! And the fight too! Was the choppy editing intentional? Felt like a comic book.

- Prediction: Mary's coming to save Ava

I'll have more to say about the show overall later, but I'm starting to get some Into the Badlands vibes from it. Sometimes campy, but clearly an action-focused passion project. Not as "high art" as something like Mr. Robot or Better Call Saul, sure. But really fun AND well made!

And as one last aside the acting in this series is great. Alba Baptista does a great job as Ava and conveys her emotions really well. Tonya Turner steals the SHOW as Shotgun Mary in every single scene she's in. One tweet or tweet thread can't praise their acting enough.


Episode 5 

Episode 5 was a doozy:

- Ava connecting more directly with JC was nice. I feel like their relationship found its footing here.

- But a bathroom closet? Really? Lol

- The Church is going to war! Cardinal's shaping up to be a cool figure.

- Cardinal trying to get Bea to play stupid games but she's more faithful to God. Epic.

- Didn't even pick up on Vincent being a recovering alcoholic in Ep. 1; good portrayal

- But Vince needs to stop being a pushover! ArqTech has the shield now! Bro were you thinking?

- Salvius' son revealed. Who is he speaking to? Possibly demons.

- Salvius' presentation about the portal giving me some Olivia Pierce vibes. When's the Samuel Hayden equivalent coming? (Note to self: Finish the Doom games)

- Highlight was seeing Lilith and Mary fighting

- Their fight scenes were great and creative. HUGE Into the Badlands vibes (last time I compare the two I swear)


- Was really expecting Lilith to have a bigger role. Interested to see how this shakes things up.

- Glad JC knows now

- Carl stole Lilith and the show at the very end

- I kind of hope Ava stops running away from everything soon. I get it, but it is starting to get a little repetitive due to the fast pacing. My only critique.

Still having a good time.


Episode 6 

Episode 6, show keeps getting better:

- Focusing the episode on Ava and Mary was a solid choice, helped centralize their characters, especially Ava

- Mary's reality check in the cave was much-needed, hints at Ava's progression moving forward

- Mary and Ava bonding overall was great! Glad to see more characterization for them both

- Feels like the show is really finding its footing now that Ava's on the path to become Warrior Nun

- Mary and Ava's talk in the church was potent, belief + Mary's unique role

- I could write a whole post about Ava's interaction with God + Mary statue, how she takes it as not as sign from God because she can see where the water's coming from

- The appearance of the demon in town: The real sign?

- Fun action scene, creative weapon choices

- Bea at end!

The series continues to impress and this was definitely my favorite episode so far. I love when shows focus on singular characters for an episode and this one nailed it.


Episode 7 

Episode 7, a lot happened, wow:

- No portal to Hell today, but an interesting connection between Ava and Salvius' son. Nice to get more answers about him too.

- I wonder what her son means by "the other portal." Big trouble's coming soon!

- Glad to get some answers about Shannon but also a deeper mystery. We know what's behind the wall, but we don't know what it means yet.

- My money's on Duretti being involved

- Mary vs. Sister Crimson, cool stuff as always

- Oh no, did ArqTech screw up the halo!?

- Glad to see Vincent, Bea, Mary, and Camilla working together so succinctly, even in their darkest moment (so far)

- Really good camerawork this episode too. Very fluid.

- Story progression was also incredible in 7 too!

And just when I thought it couldn't get any wilder:

[Lilith returns]

Oh my GOD!


Episode 7 did a lot to progress the narrative and characters simultaneously and I'm looking forward to the last 3 episodes of the season tying everything up.


Episode 8 

Episode 8 was great:

- Duretti's real plans come to fruition. He wants power in the church. But to what end?

- Ava's training was cool to see, interesting ArqTech alliance going on here

- Vincent's past was interesting, he's a badass too

- Sweet moments between Ava and Bea. I've kind of been spoiled in terms of where this goes, but it was nice to see the early stages/little hints here

- Lilith's return. Seems she harbors a connection to Hell now

- Ava can melt divinium! Will the cycle be broken!?

Short thoughts as it's later than I expected and I'm kind of tired lol. Loved everything else I didn't specifically mention above.


Episode 9 

Episode 9 was the perfect setup:

- Great to see the team working together to get Ava into the tomb

- Glad Camilla has more of a purpose now, watching the cameras

- Mother Superion's involvement overall was awesome! Starting to really like her

- Duretti vying for power was interesting. I can already tell he's going to be anointed Pope in the next episode.

- I'm still wondering if he was involved in Shannon's death. Maybe answers in the finale?

- Solid hallway fight scenes against Crimson and her sisters

- Love seeing Ava and Bea together! They make a great team

- Interesting stuff with Lilith and Salvius' son. I wonder if they're connected somehow

- Also Lilith's new powers are cool and is her hair going white?

- Her warning: What if she's right? That's my prediction

- More twists at the end: Carls are made of divinium and Adriel is alive!

Interesting to introduce Adriel this late in the game. I have a suspicion I know where this is going (surprise villain) and wonder how they'll handle it if that's the case.

Onward…to the finale!


Episode 10 

Episode 10: The finale!

- Adriel had me convinced for a second there, but I know a secret final boss when I see one!

- Lilith was right. Starting to take a stronger liking to her following the last episode, and now this one.

- I really like the aspect ratio changes in the flashbacks, especially when Ava is within them

- Can't believe Adriel would do that to an ancestor of our boy, RIP pre-Carl Carl

- If Adriel is a devil, what does that say about the state of Hell right now? Is this setup?

- Wow, Salvius' son really just ran into a portal to Hell. I guess the UAC will find him at the end of the century and bring him to Mars (still gotta play Doom)

- Does Schaefer know more than he's letting on about things? Him crying is interesting

- Drawings. Of course!

And then the parallel scenes between Superion/Duretti and Vincent/Adriel happened:


- Loved seeing everyone work together at the end of the episode

And now, the only critique:

- Not sure how I felt about the ending. Cool to see Mary jump into action but her getting swarmed being the ending felt a little underwhelming as the last scene of the entire season.

Overall, I really enjoyed Season 1 of Warrior Nun. I feel like there were a few imperfections but the good far outweighed the very little bad. And I had a great time watching it as well.

Excited to watch Season 2.

nick bythrow

Warrior Nun Season 1 Overview by Nick Bythrow for the OCS Newsletter