#WarriorNunInktober Series Part 2

The #WarriorNunInktober not only extended to artist, but several writers answered the prompts as well. In part 2 we feature both writer Sheep/0verth1nkerCode and artist Sheltereredturtle @a_ningja_turtle and discover more about their journey and the people that inspired them.

Sheep/0verth1nkerCode is a fandom writer that contributed to #WarriorNunInktober with one shots and incorrect quotes.


OCS: A little about yourself?

Hi, I’m Sheep (I can make baa noises, thank you very much). I’m bisexual, and use she/her pronouns (some days I feel they/them though, but that’s a rarity). I love food and will talk about it if you ask and please don’t talk about microwaving tea around me, I will fall ill.

OCS: How did you discover Warrior Nun? 

I was on YouTube watching TikTok compilations of gay and lesbian shows, and Avatrice was one of the couples in said TikTok compilation. Initially, I barely paid any mind to them but YouTube somehow knew I would get hooked, because the next video recommended was about Warrior Nun itself. Thereafter, I kept getting recommended videos until I caved (spoiler: it took 1 day) and watched the show, then the rest is history.

OCS: What made you want to fight to save the show?

Well, I actually joined the fandom after Simon announced the website and that the show was saved, so I had time to bask in the “WarriorNunSaved” mentality. It was really something else because how many shows, let alone sapphic ones, get picked up again after it gets cancelled? There was an uprising and it felt like the tides were turning finally for the sapphics, but I guess we got fucked over in that aspect huh? Now, I’m here fighting the second war because I’m passionate about it, riding on the waves from the first war. Many have been taking a break, and that’s perfectly okay, so in that sense, I’m here to take over - passing the baton almost y’know? I think people that know me know that I’m honest, and the way the team behind the trilogy was stringing us along was a big no in my books, so that anger and annoyance is what is fueling me to save OUR Warrior Nun. 

OCS: How did you discover WarriorNunInktober and a few of the reasons why you wanted to participate?

I saw it on my Twitter/X timeline randomly and thought why not? It was an impulsive decision, I’m pretty sure it only passed me on the 1st of October actually. Initially, I stopped myself as when I did Kinktober a few years back, I couldn’t even get halfway before stopping from burnout and I was worried it would happen again. I ended up caving though, but I learnt from last time and told everyone ‘no expectations’ and that I ‘might not finish it’. It ended up being a lie, but I think this lie is one the people would enjoy. 

I think it’s also redeeming myself? Trying to prove to myself that I can get it done, and with a solid plan, I wouldn’t fuck up as hard as last time. I’m very prone to leaving things half done but I had the strong urge to finish this at least, so I levelled everyone’s expectations and powered through for as long as I could. Finishing it was a satisfying bonus.

OCS: Did the prompts or drawings inspire your one shots and incorrect quotes?

Oh yes, definitely. No matter how loosely interpreted, every one of the prompts did inspire my one shots and incorrect quotes. As for the drawings/works of others, I am bound to pick up inspiration - subconsciously or not. Though, certain days like day 1, day 3, day 12 (and more) are direct nods to previous works or ideas that I remember seeing before.

OCS: What was your favorite day prompt?

Pastry, because I’m a foodie at heart (which makes this extremely biased but shhh) and I know pastry can mean many other things, but my first thought is usually croissants, and that’s because I love them so much…especially if it’s a flakey, airy, decadent pain au chocolat. If I made you drool, I’m sorry (not really).

OCS: What is your favorite drawing you saw or wrote about?

Oh I have so many favourites it’s basically impossible to choose, but if I really have to, my top 3 would be Autumn’s day 9 [@KlosOokami(Twitter/X)/@klosookami (Bluesky)], Cody’s day 3 (@codeopod) and Ice’s day 3 (@Ic61631341).

I love dark takes so Autumn’s day 9 artwork definitely called out to me. Not only that, I think the underlying meaning and tonal interpretations is something I definitely appreciate. A fall from grace perhaps? A forced deshedding? Or maybe something even more sinister? Well, everyone shall interpret it differently.

The reasoning behind Cody’s day 3 and the way it was made really was a sucker punch to the gut. Camila is one of my favourite characters, and knowing she’s the last one ‘left’ in the OCS, needing to rise up to the responsibility - she was the youngest and newest member in Season 1, Episode 1 - and pick up everything her sisters left behind is honestly commendable.

Last but definitely not least, Ice’s day 3. I’m a sucker for memes and word play, and cross being used as angry rather than two intersecting lines really tickled my funny bone. And of course, the meme makes total sense for Ava and Bea, and their facial expressions are spot on.

That being said however, I was actively following along to the #WarriorNunInktober journey of 13 people, and the other 10 are listed below! Everyone did a great job and I enjoyed every single bit of their artistic talents.

All accounts are from Twitter/X unless otherwise stated: @noooooo_te, @Urmominbike, @foryourmajesty_, @visxeral, @ledasostoa, @KenzieAsada, @pencil_soup, @4reology, @a_ningja_turtle and @PJShin_somnia (Twitter/X)/fan_of_interest(Archive of Our Own)

As for my favourite written prompt by me, maybe day 6 x day 15? I scrapped my original idea because it was getting too OOC, which is something I absolutely loathe (though, I may finish it and tag it as such) so I rewrote it, and this was born. To be honest, I like this more than my original idea - there’s just something about the flow of this piece that makes me want to start jumping in elation, and I don’t know why, but who am I to question what my heart loves?

OCS: If people would like more information about your writing, where can they go?

They can go to my Twitter/X and find me under @0verth1nkerCode, but since things have been rocky over there, I have a Bluesky under the username @0verth1nkercode (I’ve been neglecting that though, my bad). And of course, I have an Archive of Our Own account as well (0verth1nker_code).

OCS: Any positive message you would like to send to the fandom?

Take it one step at a time, ex nihilo nihil fit. In this life.

OCS: Name/Twitter Handle: Sheltereredturtle @a_ningja_turtle

OCS: A little about yourself  

I’m chinese, born and raised in Canada :) but actually i’m an awkward turtle, please be kind. 

OCS: How did you discover Warrior Nun?

I had heard about a ship called Avatrice (that i pronounced incorrectly at the time lol) on tumblr and twitter, but i didn’t know anything else about it. I had some time on my hands so I took a look at the trailer and fell in love with Ava immediately, binged s1, and fell in love with the rest of them!

OCS: What made you want to fight to save the show?

Mostly Avatrice, Beatrice’s coming out scene means so so much to me, and seeing their relationship grow and develop was something I never actually expected to get. You can truly feel the genuine love and dedication that the entire team behind Warrior Nun put into every episode, and how hard they fought for us, the story, and the characters. I believe in that team and the work they do!

OCS: How did you discover WarriorNunInktober and a few of the reasons why you wanted to participate?

I follow @e_l_skye (who can write AND draw whew!🥰) on twitter and saw her list of prompts there. I have participated in previous inktobers for my other fandom (supercorp<3) and always have a good time, so I definitely wanted to try and join in some of the fun here too :)

OCS: How did you find inspiration for some of the drawings?

Mostly just went over the list occasionally and played around with each word until something stuck out to me

OCS: On average how long does one drawing take?

I’m pretty slow XD but I stuck to mostly doodles. Maybe half-an-hour to an hour?

OCS: What was your favorite day prompt?

I didn’t do a drawing for this one, but i loved all the art that came out of the “portal” prompt because ouch :’)

OCS: What was the hardest prompt or drawing?

Maybe wings? Didn’t turn out exactly as I hoped but that’s okay!

OCS: What is your favorite drawing you submitted?

Probably the lemon drop one I did of the actual scene, I think I spent the most time on it too?

OCS: Were you surprised by the fandom’s reaction to your art?

Always a pleasant surprise when people are warm and supportive!

OCS: If people would like more information about your art, where can they go?

I also have a tumblr @sheltereredturtle but it’s just the same stuff as twitter :)

OCS: Any positive message you would like to send to the fandom?

I’m so grateful for Warrior Nun and Avatrice, and no matter what happens in the future this show and all these characters were put out into the world and belong to us now, they will always be ours and no one can take that from us. And also remember to be kind to others and be kind to yourself ❤